By now you’ve probably heard that influencers are important for growing your brand. Ideally, they aren’t your only PR strategy, as it’s important to never rely on one method or audience. We consider them a useful component to an effective PR campaign, if done correctly. That’s why we’ve always stressed a comprehensive PR strategy utilizing influencers as well as traditional media, digital new media, product placement, and what’s actually effective for each specific brand/niche.

Often, we hear from brands who’ve invested a considerable amount of money in influencers without any real return. Chances are they focused on major influencers they don’t have any prior relationship with, doesn’t follow them or use their brand, promotes anything for a check…and they hope it will yield a return. Spoiler alert: nope.

While we work with major influencers at times who genuinely love our brands and share them authentically, we also understand the proven value of micro-influencers in targeted niche markets. Whether it’s a more involved paid partnership or simply a gifted product, we build long-term relationships with the trusted influencers we work with, rather than making it just a transaction. This means you’ll see we’ve worked with some familiar faces for several years and maintain those treasured relationships and friendships.

If you are interested in building a real and effective influencer strategy without the smoke and mirrors, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Follow along to see our influencer work on our Instagram, @magnolia_pr